How to Focus Your Firefield Scope
How to focus your riflescope properly.
Why is this important
Focusing the riflescope is important for two reasons. The first is that it relieves eye strain by trying to focus on the target. The second is that it brings the image into clear focus. In this article, we will go over how to focus riflescopes properly.
The Process
- Focusing the eye piece or diopter adjustment
The first adjustment to be made when focusing your rifle scope is to adjust the eye piece focus (picture above for reference). This is done by first picking out an object to view through the scope and then adjusting the eye piece by rotating the eye piece left or right. This process continues until the crosshair is clear and without looking away from the object.
Once completed, the shooter should never have to readjust the eye piece. If this is done right, then the user should not feel much eye fatigue when using the scope. During this step, the shooter may need to look through the scope several times to avoid eye fatigue and to get the scope as crystal clear as possible.
- Setting the Parallax
For this step the shooter will adjust the parallax adjustment. For scopes equipped with this feature, this adjustment is typically located on the left side of the scope or on the front around the objective lens and usually has markings from 20 yards to infinity (pictures above for reference). Once the eye piece has been focused properly, the shooter then adjusts the parallax adjustment until the object comes into focus.
This adjustment should be the only one that the shooter adjusts from now on based on how close or far the target is to bring it into focus. A bonus is that when the parallax adjustment is set properly, the crosshair will not move from the center of the image when the shooter moves his head a little bit.
Focusing the scope properly will help relieve eye strain, and bring the target into focus so the shooter can have the best image available. Once this is done, the shooter will have a much better experience using his or her Firefield product.